♡Happy Valentines Black History Month and Lunar New Year!♡ ✧~❄~✧~❄~✧ Welcome to Royale High your ever-growing dream world! ✧~♡~✧ ♡Use your Teleportation Sceptre to fast-travel across magical lands with secrets to explore & fun games to play! ♡Games earn you the valuable currency ?Diamonds increases your level & challenges your knowledge and skills! ♡Spend your diamonds in the shop which sells special items during real-life seasons. ♡Dress your character to suit your mood & personality~ free makeup hairstyles & thousands of unique outfits for any occasion! ♡Level up at Royale High School by attending classes! The higher grades you receive the more rewards you earn! ♡Make sure to bring the right book to class from your locker and turn in your completed homework! ♡Try to balance your studies and socializing as many best friends have been made within these halls♡