In Roblox, WTH is an acronym that means "What the hell/heck?".
→ Example Usage
Player1: "WTH, how did I fall off the map like that?"
Player2: "I have no idea, but that was crazy!"
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Based on usage frequency
Also Know The Meaning Of
In Roblox, OMG/OML is an acronym that means "Oh my God/Lord".
In Roblox, NFT is an acronym that means "Not for Trade". It is commonly used in trading games/communities when an item is "Not for Trade".
In Roblox, NGF is an acronym that means "not going first". It is Commonly used in trading to say "not going first". (Usually used when mass sending in limited trading, or cross trading).
In Roblox, OoC is an acronym that means "Out of character". It is used in roleplaying games to describe messages out of the roleplay narrative.