In Roblox, TBH is an acronym that stands for "to be honest". It is used as a way to express honesty in a casual manner.
→ Example Usage
Giving Feedback: "TBH, I think this game needs more challenges!"
Sharing an Opinion: "TBH, I prefer playing obbys over simulators!"
Popularity Meter
Based on usage frequency
Also Know The Meaning Of
Top Earning
In Roblox, top earning refers to the games that have generated the most Robux in the past week.
In Roblox, WIP is an acronym for "work in progress" which is used to refer to games, assets, or other things that aren't yet complete and are still being worked on.
In Roblox, XD is a smiley that is used to express happiness and laughter. It is meant to look like a face with an X for eyes and a capital D for a happy smile!