In Roblox, An often derogatory term used to describe highly skilled players who play on lower-level alternate accounts, especially in games with skill-based matchmaking or a rank system.
→ Example Usage
Player1: "Why is that Level 2 player so good? They're definitely a Smurf."
Player2: "Agreed, no way they're that skilled with a new account."
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Also Know The Meaning Of
Sweat or tryhard
In Roblox, Derogatory term describing overly competitive players who care about winning and playing optimally at all times.
Tags or Tagging
In Roblox, Tags or Tagging is an acronym that means "hashtags/hashtagging". It is used for when a player's words are censored and replaced with the hashtag (#) symbol by Roblox's chat filter.
In Roblox, Termed is an acronym that means "terminated or permanently banned". It is used for user who is terminated or permanently banned.
TT, Tic Tok, Tig Tok, Tik Took, Tick Tock, Tic Tac, and Tic Toc
In Roblox, Filter bypasses for the social media app; TikTok..