In Roblox, A similar term with the same meaning, but often used in more derogatory way.
→ Example Usage
Player1: "Back in the day, we didn't have this tool. Newgen players have it easy."
Player2: "Hey, we're just playing the game as it is now!"
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Also Know The Meaning Of
In Roblox, Describes a person who is unknown, and often used in a derogatory way.
In Roblox, RNG is an acronym that means "Random number generator games".
Salad Hair
In Roblox, A usually derogatory term referring to the Holiday Crown. Sees considerably lower usage in present day as said accessory is less popular.
Skid/Script kiddie
In Roblox, Slang used against exploiters as an insult; slang portrayed and perceived as an exploiter who is of younger age, and copy and pastes exploit scripts that they can find online to their script executor for its use. The slang, however, is unconditionally and indiscriminately used against exploiters of all ages.