Describes any asset (clothing, audio, decals, etc.) or chat message that would otherwise violate the Community Rules but manages to get past initial moderation screening or chat filters. These often range from swear words to highly explicit or offensive audios, clothing and more.
→ Example Usage
Player1: "How did they manage to bypass the chat filter?"
Player2: "They probably used some kind of exploit."
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Also Know The Meaning Of
Car[number], dec[number], month[number]
Filter bypasses primarily used by players with under 13 accounts to chat numbers [number]m and [number]pt Also commonly used for sharing audio and decal IDs.
In Roblox, Comped is an acronym that means "compromised". It is used to used to describe hacked Roblox accounts. Similar to PGed or Beamed.
Copy and paste
A derogatory term used to describe a specific aesthetic trend of female avatars heavily influenced by contemporary hip-hop, emo, and e-girl/boy culture. The term itself derives from two or more avatars adhering to this trend to appear almost indistinguishable from one another, as if they were "copied".
Crake or Crake tune
In Roblox, It is used primarily in the Roblox driving game community, this term describes unrealistic and often overpowered vehicle tunes.